Cold Tits Warm Hearts in Mount Desert with their heart carved from foot-inch thick ice!
That was a COLD day said Patty Libby in sending a photo from Maine Sea Sisters, and Liz Cutler noted in sending hers that it took Cold Tits Warm Hearts the ladies two hours to create the heart from foot-thick ice.
But they did it, along with Erja Lipponen’s world adventure touring group Wander Women in a sauna/dip in Union, Amy Hopkins’ Saltwater Mountain Co. at York Harbor Beach, Wicked Nippy Dippahs and Flock of Seagals at Rockport Harbor, Stone Cold Dippers in Stonington, Blue Loons of Blue Hill and Cold Moon Selkies at Naskeag Point in Brooklin when the storm was still raging.
Donations are still coming in, with $1,600 just from the GoFundMe Sarah Havener of Brooklin set up for us.
Every penny from this community- and sisterhood-building fundraiser is going to bring warmth to Maine women domestic violence victims/survivors with critical (storage unit fees, utility bills, home security devices, shelter, car, legal costs.
And on Super Bowl Sunday when violence against women spikes, and on the Sunday before Valentine’s Day.
THIS is the real kind of love!!
Patty Libby and Amy Pierce Root are among the Maine Sea Sisters who braved frigid temps to dip and donate for Finding Our Voices at Lincolnville Beach yesterday!
Flock of Seagals at Rockport Harbor!
“Conditions were very challenging,” as far as digging a dipping hole on Crawford Pond in Union said Erja Lipponen, “with slush and a layer of water under the snow. But we had lots of laughs.” This group including Kerry Hadley and Sarah Szwajkos is travelers and friends with Erja’s world-traveling adventure group, Wander Women.
Sarah Havener at the height of storm,
9 a.m., Naskeag Point in Brooklin. Thank you Sherry Streeter and Susan Snider for providing hot chocolate and other support, and Michael Percy for the photos!
Our fearless board member Nicole Larrabee and chief of staff Mary Merullo Kamradt , and FOV star ambassador Amy Thomas high-fiving it in the background at the Wicked Nippy Dippahs event for us in Rockport Harbor. Thank you Jane Kurko for the fabulous pics!
Look at these dynamos who dipped at 4:30 p.m. at York Harbor Beach with Amy Hopkins and Saltwater Mountain Co.