We understand IT and we believe YOU.

The 24/7 confidential hotline run by the Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence is 1 866 834 4357

If you or someone you know is currently in immediate danger, call 911.

 Patrisha’s Online Book Club

Once a month DV-survivors and non-survivors meet online to discuss a book that illuminates an aspect of domestic abuse. We have read memoirs, books on cults, and stories of charismatic abusive parents. The author often joins us! Click to join the club.

Reading Recommendations

Visit our Book Club page.

Let us know if you would like a copy of “Why Does He Do That: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men” by Lundy Bancroft. This is the best guide we have found to explain the Why and the How of getting trapped in abuse. Finding Our Voices has given out hundreds of copies of this book, inscribed by a survivor and including the bookmark featuring the photo and story of that survivor.

Patrisha’s Podcast

Patrisha’s Radio Show

More than 30 episodes of conversations with domestic abuse survivors on WERU.FM.


Maine’s Domestic Abuse Agencies

There are domestic abuse agencies in every county in Maine under the umbrella Maine Coalition To End Domestic Violence.

Maine: 1 866 834 4357
1 800 799 7233

Other Resources


Nourish - Nurture - Nest –
Julie is a good friend of mine who is an Intuitive Lifestyle and Wellness Coach in Maine, providing women with tools and resources to expand their sense of self trust, personal satisfaction and fulfillment.


  • is a great clearing house for resources as well as articles including these about coercive control and narcissistic abuse:

  • FreeFrom reframes IPV as a structural economic issue that intersects with other systems of oppression, and is building an ecosystem of support to ensure that survivors have the resources to get safe, heal, and prevent future harm. Myth: Intimate partner violence is the result of bad luck, bad choices, or both, making survivors responsible for their own healing. Fact: 1 in 4 women and 1 in 2 trans folks experience IPV in the U.S., and the #1 obstacle to safety for survivors is financial security. This means that IPV is a systemic economic issue, making all of us responsible to support survivors’ healing.

  • The Independence Project: The Independence Project is a credit building program of The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), which helps advocates and local domestic violence programs across the nation support survivors of domestic violence in improving their credit scores through micro-lending.

  • National Coalition Against Domestic Violence: Comprehensive list of resources.

  • Safe House has a phone app to get emergency help for people in crisis. The director Eliza Conley-Lepene and board director Kerry Roarke are survivors on Finding Our Voices banners!

  • connects you to expert, confidential help.

  • Dawn Wilcox tirelessly reveals the true state of femicide in the US,

Family Court/Court Reform

  • WeSpoke: Mobilizing awareness and speaking up on the systemic failures in Family & Matrimonial Courts across America.

  • Narcissistic abuse as relates to parenting and the family court system: One Mom’s Battle (OMB)

  • Custody Peace and One Mom's Battle have joined forces to build awareness and advocacy for policy change that will positively impact the current Family Court System worldwide

  • Stop Abuse Campaign

  • National Family Court Reform non-profit: The Court Said USA.

  • How family-court practices fail children: Barry Goldstein.

  • Connecticut Protective Moms is a grass roots nonprofit of Connecticut moms who are dedicated to improving the Connecticut Family Court process to validate all forms of Domestic Violence (DV) including physical, coercive control, emotional, verbal, financial and legal abuse.

General Legal Help


Divorcing a Narcissist

Social Media

If you read only one blog, make it Lundy Bancroft, author of the classic Why Does He Do That: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

Facebook Group for Domestic Abuse and Trauma recovery: Bonshea Making Light of the Dark.

Other DV organizations We Like

  • The Duluth Model: An innovator of ways to hold batterers accountable and keep victims safe.

  • WomenSV: An excellent overall victim-resource based in Silicone Valley with an emphasis on wealthy and powerful abusers.

Organizations Powered by Survivors