We understand IT and we believe YOU.

Finding Our Voices Peer Support:

We run a weekly online support group. 

We also provide books that were helpful to us in our journeys.

Through referral by District Attorney offices, law enforcement, social service agency caseworkers and employers, we provide one-time, limited financial assistance. We also have a program of free dental care.

Connect with our Sisterhood of Survivors here

If you or someone you know is currently in immediate danger, call 911.

We are NOT housing navigators or legal advocates. If you need either of these services, please contact your local domestic violence agency to see how they can help.

The 24/7 confidential Maine domestic abuse hotline is 1-866-834-4357.


Maine’s Domestic Abuse Agencies

There are domestic abuse agencies in every county in Maine under the umbrella Maine Coalition To End Domestic Violence.

Other Maine Resources

National Resources

Family Court/Court Reform

  • WeSpoke: Mobilizing awareness and speaking up on the systemic failures in Family & Matrimonial Courts across America.

  • Narcissistic abuse as relates to parenting and the family court system: One Mom’s Battle (OMB)

  • Custody Peace and One Mom's Battle have joined forces to build awareness and advocacy for policy change that will positively impact the current Family Court System worldwide

  • Stop Abuse Campaign

  • National Family Court Reform non-profit: The Court Said USA.

  • How family-court practices fail children: Barry Goldstein.

  • Connecticut Protective Moms is a grass roots nonprofit of Connecticut moms who are dedicated to improving the Connecticut Family Court process to validate all forms of Domestic Violence (DV) including physical, coercive control, emotional, verbal, financial and legal abuse.

General Legal Help

  • Plain language, easy-to-understand information for victims of abuse: Women’s Law.

  • The Women’s Legal Defense and Education Fund: Legal Momentum.

  • A guide to restraining orders here.


Divorcing a Narcissist

Social Media

If you read only one blog, make it Lundy Bancroft, author of the classic Why Does He Do That: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

Facebook Group for Domestic Abuse and Trauma recovery: Bonshea Making Light of the Dark.

Other DV organizations We Like

  • The Duluth Model: An innovator of ways to hold batterers accountable and keep victims safe.

  • WomenSV: An excellent overall victim-resource based in Silicone Valley with an emphasis on wealthy and powerful abusers.

Organizations Powered by Survivors