Patrisha’s Reading Recommendations

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If you read just one…

Or two…


I met a group of women who’d been in violent relationships, years ago - when the book first came out. They’d all read the book, and one of them said: ‘How did you get inside my fuckin’ head?’ It’s the best review I ever got.

- Author Roddy Doyle in letter to Patrisha, March 2019

Growing up with a charismatic,  abusive father.  Preview >

Growing up with a charismatic, abusive father.
Preview >

A true story of how a victim of domestic abuse lost custody of her children to the abuser.  Preview >

A true story of how a victim of domestic abuse lost custody of her children to the abuser.
Preview >

For anyone who wants the broader understanding that intimate/domestic violence happens to all people.

For anyone who wants the broader understanding that intimate/domestic violence happens to all people.


Patrisha’s Online Book Club



Thank you sister-survivor Mia!

The field of Energy Psychology offers various ways for people to reduce stress and cope with trauma.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also called "tapping" is a technique from Energy Psychology to calm the nervous system, reduce anxiety, tension and trauma. Sometimes called "acupuncture without the needles," it is easy to learn and can be used by children and adults.

The practitioner or therapist first interviews the client or clients about the stressor or trauma they would like to release, then teaches the tapping points by modeling them. The client, led by the therapist, repeats short phrases about the issue on which they would like to work. EFT can be done in groups for trauma debriefing and resolution, as well as to address stress suffered by a particular group (veterans, first responders, domestic violence survivors, nurses, teachers, etc.). It has been used successfully with war veterans to remediate symptoms of Post-traumatic stress disorder.

Please note: those suffering from trauma and Post-traumatic stress disorder should be under the consistent care of a therapist and not endeavor to do complex trauma work alone with EFT or any other modality.

Originated by Gary Craig, EFT is the focus of the book The Promise of Energy Psychology by Gary Craig, David Feinstein, Ph.D., and Donna Eden.

The Tapping Solution is the organization of the Ortner family, primarily Nick, Jessica and Alex. They have abundant free resources, a free tapping app for the phone, a free world tapping summit each February and more.

Brad Yates YouTube Channel has a couple hundred short EFT videos.

Donna Eden has simple daily tools for regulating energy and dissipating stress.

Four simple tools for stress reduction and self-soothing:

-Butterfly hug: Cross the arms firmly over the chest and pat the front of the shoulders gently.

-One hand on the face, the other hand on the heart and breathe deeply.

-Hold the index finger gently and breathe deeply. Change to the other index finger.

-Tapping the cheekbone (about an inch and a half below the iris, one cheekbone or both at the same time) while breathing slowly and deeply.