Finding Our Voices meets with Iraqi domestic violence activists
Iraqi domestic violence activists visited with Finding Our Voices in Camden on a State Department-sponsored tour of the United States. Finding Our Voices Founder/CEO Patrisha McLean is second from the left in the back. Finding Our Voices Operations Manager Mary Kamradt is in this same row second from the right. Allison Hodgkins, executive director of the World Affairs Council of Maine, is in the front with the grey sweater. (Photo by Matt LaJoie of the Camden Public Library)
The State Department-sponsored group was interested in learning about the Maine nonprofit’s survivor-powered activism.
Iraqi domestic violence activists traveled to Camden on December 1 to meet with Finding Our Voices and discuss ideas on bringing safety and freedom to women in their home country. Finding Our Voices is the grassroots, survivor-led nonprofit breaking the silence of domestic abuse across Maine.
Read the PenBay Pilot article here.