FOV urges lawmakers to prioritize domestic violence at State House rally
Governor Janet T. Mills standing in solidarity with domestic abuse survivors from Finding Our Voices, from left: Bethany McInnis, Nicole Bernhardt, Lisa Perry, Kerry Zabicki, Patrisha McLean, and Agnes Brackett. Jordan Merrifield photo
Originally published in the Boothbay Register
February 27, 2025
Finding Our Voices urges lawmakers to prioritize domestic violence at State House rally. Survivors from five counties talked with Governor Janet T. Mills about changes they feel are needed for the safety of all in Maine. Finding Our Voices survivors from Kennebec, Knox, Cumberland, Franklin, and Oxford counties gathered at the State House Feb. 25 to urge Maine legislators to prioritize domestic violence, and its victims.
The morning activities included a talk with Governor Mills about changes in the law the group wants to see based on being let down by the courts themselves, and hearing from hundreds of sister survivors across Maine about criminal and family courts denying them justice and coddling their abusers.
“We are grateful to Governor Mills for meeting with us and caring about what we have to say, and also for doing so much to de-stigmatize domestic abuse by starring in our poster campaign for the past three years,” said Patrisha McLean, CEO and founder of the grassroots nonprofit. "Governor Mills is one of 50 Maine domestic abuse survivors featured on the Finding Our Voices posters in downtown business windows and public rest rooms across the state.
Finding Our Voices also had the chance to talk one on one with House and Senate representatives as the lawmakers entered morning sessions.
According to McLean, "The rally was in response to the Feb. 19 murder of 32-year-old Margaux Whittemore in Readfield as well as police standoffs seemingly every day across Maine by domestic violence perpetrators, often wielding guns. These standoffs and community lockdowns almost always prompt an official public reassurance that the public is not at risk. Finding Our Voices is here to point out that the domestic violence in our communities is actually a very big risk to everyone in the community and that includes police, as well as dogs as witnessed by Preacher who was shot and killed in the line of duty during a domestic violence standoff Feb. 3.”
Lisa Perry’s sign stated “Stronger DV Laws Or We All Lose” studded with photos of Preacher, Margaux, and also Virginia Cookson murdered in Bangor Sept. 29 allegedly by a man out on early release from a prior domestic violence conviction; and mother and daughter Lisa and Jen Bailey gunned down by their husband and father in October in Bath.
Nicole Bernhardt’s sign featured photos of her face battered by the father of her children when he was out on bail for previously beating her up. He was sentenced to 18 years in prison last year on charges including attempted murder and assault on a police officer.
McLean said Finding Our Voices is holding survivor-powered domestic abuse-educational marches throughout Maine in 2025 including Mother’s Day weekend in Bath.
Finding Our Voices is a grassroots nonprofit empowering Maine women victims/survivors of domestic abuse by providing peer support and resources and fostering connection. They break down stigma and help its sister-survivors reclaim their voices and strength through such programs as panel discussions, funding to Get Out and Stay Out, access to free dental care, and online support groups.